jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


I’ m not a person that love changes neither I can say I hate them, I know changes are necessary… I don’t like to do many and big changes in my life but I know it will happen soon or later and I think is better to me to choose what things I want to change.

Although changes aren't a good alternative for me I have to done some....-What will I do with you?-  with who? -with you little girl, you almost always are thinking in strange things, If you want to change say or do something just do it, time will pass by you if you are just thinking, live your life little girl it´s your mission in the world....some people say all is wroten, what do you believe in?- I just believe in..... in me - ok, good answer little girl you're understanding what I'm talking about...then...- then it's time to change.

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